40 Billboards Grand Celebrations in USA for Ram Mandir Inauguration

Grand Celebrations in USA for Ram Mandir Inauguration. The enthusiastic preparations and celebrations organized by the Hindu American community in anticipation of the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony at the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, scheduled on 22 January 2024 is commendable.

Grand Celebrations in USA for Ram Mandir Inauguration
Grand Celebrations in USA for Ram Mandir Inauguration

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), US chapter, in collaboration with Hindus from various states, has placed over 40 billboards in more than 10 states across the United States.

Grand Celebrations in USA for Ram Mandir Inauguration

The billboards feature images of Lord Ram Lalla and the grand shrine of Shri Ram Mandir, serving as a visual representation of the significant prana pratishtha ceremony at the birthplace of Shri Ram Lalla in Ayodhya.

The billboards, strategically placed in states such as Texas, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, and Georgia, aim to spread the news about the upcoming prana pratishtha ceremony of Shri Ram Lalla and express the excitement and joy of Hindu Americans participating in this once in a lifetime historic event.

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Additionally, Arizona and the State of Missouri are reported to join this visual celebration, starting Monday, 15 January 2024, as per the information provided by the VHP’s American chapter.

Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) US chapter

Amitabh VW Mittal, the general secretary of the Hindu Parishad of America, emphasizes the resounding message conveyed by these billboards, that Hindu Americans are eagerly anticipating and joyously participating in the consecration ceremony of Ram Mandir Ayodhya.

The emotions of the community are said to overflow as they await the auspicious day when the idol of Shri Ram Lalla will be ceremonially installed inside the sanctum sanctorum of the grand and Bhavya Shri Ram Mandir.

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In addition to the billboards, the Hindu American community has organized several car rallies and planned additional events leading up to the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ of Ram Lalla in Ayodhya. These activities are part of the broader efforts to mark and celebrate the inauguration of the Ram Mandir.

Consecration Ceremony of Ram Lalla

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to attend the ceremonial installation of the Ram Lalla idol on 22 January 2024, and invitations have been extended to a multitude of leaders and dignitaries from diverse backgrounds for the grand Ram Mandir opening in Ayodhya.

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The consecration ceremony of Ram Lalla at the Ram Mandir is set to span seven days, commencing on 16 January 2024, with the enthronement of Ram Lalla scheduled at noon on 22 January 2024.

This event is considered historic for the Hindu community worldwide and the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust has made announcements regarding the details of the consecration ceremony of Ram Lalla.


The Hindu American community’s active participation in these celebrations reflects the deep cultural and religious ties to Ayodhya and the significance of the Shri Ram Mandir.

The billboards serve as a visual expression of the Hindu American community’s anticipation and joy, reinforcing the cultural connection between Hindus in the United States and the sacred site in Ayodhya.

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The global resonance of the Ram Mandir inauguration is historic, as the Hindu American community in the United States joins in the celebrations, expressing their emotional connection and enthusiasm for this historic event of Ram Lalla prana pratishtha in Ayodhya.

The details about the planned activities adds a personal and community centric dimension to the coverage, offering a glimpse into the sentiments and preparations surrounding the upcoming ceremony of Ram Lalla prana pratishtha in Ayodhya.

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