5 Major Hindu Temples Outside India: Exploring the Global Marvels

Hinduism, one of the world’s oldest religions, has spread its spiritual wings far beyond the borders of India. With a rich tapestry of history and devotion, Hindu temples can be found in various corners of the globe.

Prambanan Temple Indonesia. Hindu Temples Outside India
Prambanan Temple Indonesia

In this blog post, we embark on a fascinating journey to explore five significant Hindu temples located outside India, each carrying its unique cultural and historical significance.

Angkor Wat Cambodia: The Major Hindu Temples Outside India

Our journey begins in Cambodia, where the majestic Angkor Wat stands as a testament to Hindu architecture and devotion. Dedicated to the Hindu God Vishnu, Angkor Wat is not only the largest religious structure in Cambodia but also holds the title of the world’s largest temple complex.

Angkor Wat Cambodia
Angkor Wat Cambodia

Built in the 12th century by the great Khmer King Suryavarman II, this massive temple spans over 400 acres and features over 70 monuments.

Angkor Wat’s grandeur is such that it even appears on the national flag of Cambodia. It is one of the major Hindu Temples Outside India.

Prambanan Temple Indonesia

Moving across the seas to Indonesia, we encounter the mesmerizing Prambanan Temple compounds. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is dedicated to the Hindu triumvirate – Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma.

Prambanan Temple Indonesia
Prambanan Temple Indonesia

Built during the reign of the Shailendra dynasty in the 8th century AD, this temple complex boasts 240 temples adorned with intricate illustrations from the Ramayana.

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Despite facing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, Prambanan has stood the test of time, showcasing the resilience of Hindu heritage.

Akshardham Temple USA

In the heart of the United States, specifically Robbinsville City in New Jersey, the Akshardham Temple stands tall as the largest Hindu temple in the country. Inaugurated in 2023, this architectural marvel took 12 years to build and covers an expansive 185 acres.

Akshardham Temple USA
Akshardham Temple USA

With a height of 191 feet, the temple is a harmonious blend of limestone, pink sandstone, marble, and granite, designed to withstand extreme weather conditions.

Akshardham Temple serves as a symbol of Hinduism’s global presence.

Pashupatinath Temple Nepal

Nestled in the capital city of Nepal, Kathmandu, the Pashupatinath Temple holds profound significance as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, this temple was constructed in the 8th century by King Jayadeva.

Pashupatinath Temple Nepal
Pashupatinath Temple Nepal

Only Hindus are allowed inside the temple, emphasizing its sacred nature. However, visitors of all backgrounds can admire the temple’s awe-inspiring architecture from its grounds. It is also one of the most famous and major Hindu Temples Outside India.

Shiva Vishnu Temple Australia

Our journey concludes in Australia, where the Shiva Vishnu Temple, located in the state of Victoria, pays homage to two prominent Hindu deities – Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu.

Shiva Vishnu Temple Australia
Shiva Vishnu Temple Australia

Serving as a spiritual haven for the Hindu community in Australia, this temple reflects the cultural diversity fostered by the diaspora.

It stands as a testament to the harmonious integration of Hinduism into the multicultural fabric of Australian society.


As we wrap up our exploration of these five major Hindu temples outside India, it becomes evident that the spiritual footprint of Hinduism extends far beyond its country of origin.

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These temples, each with its unique stories and architectural brilliance, serve as beacons of cultural exchange, fostering a global understanding of Hindu heritage.

Through these sacred structures, Hinduism continues to build bridges of unity and enlightenment across borders, leaving an indelible mark on the world stage.

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