Thankful to PM Modi: Kalki Dham Sambhal Peethadheeshwar Acharya Pramod Krishnam to Modi

In a harmonious gesture of cultural and spiritual unity, expelled congress leader Acharya Pramod Krishnam extended an invitation to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the foundation-laying ceremony of Kalki Dham Sambhal, Uttar Pradesh.

Thankful to PM Modi: Kalki Dham Sambhal Peethadheeshwar Acharya Pramod Krishnam to Modi
Thankful to PM Modi: Kalki Dham Sambhal Peethadheeshwar Acharya Pramod Krishnam to Modi

The gracious acceptance of the invitation by the Prime Minister has sparked attention and discussion. Let’s delve into the significance of this event and its implications for the political and spiritual landscape.

Kalki Dham Sambhal and Its Importance

Shri Kalki Dham Sambhal, the divine abode associated with Lord Vishnu’s tenth incarnation, Shri Kalki Bhagwan, holds a special place in the hearts of millions of followers of Sanatan Dharma.

The foundation-laying ceremony scheduled for 19 February 2024 marks a momentous occasion, as it precedes the anticipated arrival of the divine avatar, as mentioned in sacred scriptures. What sets Kalki Dham Sambhal apart is that it is the world’s first Dham being established even before the manifestation of the Lord’s avatar.

Acharya Pramod Krishnam Invitation to Prime Minister Modi for Shri Kalki Dham Sambhal

Acharya Pramod Krishnam, as the Peethadheeshwar of Shri Kalki Dham Sambhal, expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Modi for accepting the invitation.

Also Read: PM Modi to Participate in Bhoomi Pujan of Kalki Dham Temple in Sambhal, UP

The Acharya emphasized the sentiments of millions of Sanatan Dharma followers, drawing parallels with the Prime Minister’s involvement in the construction of Lord Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.

The invitation extends beyond political lines, aiming to honor the sacred space and the spiritual beliefs of the devotees.

Political Dynamics and Party Speculations

As a ex-Congress leader with a significant role in the party and speculations about his potential role in the party’s national presidency election, Acharya Pramod Krishnam faces questions regarding the selective nature of his invitations.

When asked if he extended invitations to Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, the Acharya emphasized the non-partisan nature of divine abodes, stressing that they belong to everyone, transcending political affiliations.

Challenges in Extending Invitations within the Party

Acharya Pramod Krishnam shed light on the challenges he faces within his own party. While expressing his desire to invite leaders from all parties, he revealed the difficulty in obtaining time for a meeting with his own party leaders.

The Acharya’s attempts to meet Rahul Gandhi have been unsuccessful, raising questions about the party’s internal dynamics and potential discomfort with his views.

Navigating Opposition and Expressing Individuality

The interview delves into instances where Acharya Pramod Krishnam’s statements and actions have diverged from the party’s stance. The Acharya defends his right to express opinions within the framework of internal democracy, citing historical instances of dissent within political parties.

He emphasizes that his expressions are driven by a sense of duty and sacred emotion, highlighting the need for open dialogue and coordination in politics.

Contemplating Party Affiliation

In response to questions about a potential shift to the BJP, Acharya Pramod Krishnam maintains an open-minded approach. He clarifies that there is no aversion towards the BJP and expresses willingness to consider an invitation from the party.

Also Read: Shri Kalki Dham: Huge Spiritual Milestone Unveiling on February 19, 2024

However, he underscores that no such offer has been made, and he has not initiated any application for joining the BJP.

Unwavering Commitment to Principles

Acharya Pramod Krishnam staunchly defends his actions, emphasizing that his commitment to principles, particularly those related to Ram and the nation, guides his decisions.

He addresses criticism regarding his stance on various issues, stating that he cannot compromise on matters integral to his beliefs, even if it leads to disagreement within the party.

Championing Unity and Criticizing Divisive Statements

The interview concludes with Acharya Pramod Krishnam expressing concern over statements that promote division based on caste, language, or region.

He strongly condemns such divisive rhetoric and calls for legal action against those who propagate ideas that threaten the unity of the nation.


The unfolding narrative surrounding Acharya Pramod Krishnam invitation to Prime Minister Modi for the Shri Kalki Dham Sambhal foundation-laying ceremony brings to light the intersection of politics, spirituality, and personal conviction.

As the event approaches, it remains to be seen how this convergence will shape the discourse within the political landscape and contribute to the broader narrative of unity in diversity.

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