Lord Ram Lalla Changed: Arun Yogiraj Surprised After Ornamentation Ceremony

In a recent interview, Arun Yogiraj, a Mysuru based sculptor who made Ram Lalla Idol, shared his profound experience of crafting the idol of Lord Ram for the newly inaugurated Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.

Lord Ram Lalla Changed: Arun Yogiraj Surprised After Ornamentation Ceremony
Lord Ram Lalla Changed: Arun Yogiraj Surprised After Ornamentation Ceremony

Arun Yogiraj revealed that he felt a significant transformation in the appearance of the Ram Lalla idol during the Alanakaran (ornamentation) ceremony.

This revelation brings to light the intricate process of Ram Lalla idol creation and the spiritual significance attached to each stage.

Genesis of Ram Lalla Idol

Arun Yogiraj began by explaining the initial stages of creating the Ram Lalla idol, emphasizing that during the nirman or construction phase, the Ram Lalla idol appeared distinct. The sculptor poured his dedication and skill into shaping the raw materials into a representation of Lord Ram.

This stage marked the birth of the Ram Lalla idol, laying the foundation for the spiritual journey that lay ahead.

Lord Ram Lalla Changed after Alanakaran Ceremony of Ram Lalla

The pivotal moment in Yogiraj’s narrative is the Alanakaran ceremony, where the Ram Lalla idol undergoes ornamentation. This ceremony involves adorning the idol with various decorations, symbolizing the deity’s divine presence.

Also Read: Arun Yogiraj the man who created Ram Lalla idol

Yogiraj expressed his awe at the transformation, stating that the Ram Lalla idol looked completely different after this ceremony. This alteration went beyond the physical, Yogiraj felt a spiritual metamorphosis had occurred.

Spiritual Essence

The sculptor’s words convey a deep connection between the physical representation of the Shri Ram idol and its spiritual essence. The Alanakaran ceremony is not merely a superficial embellishment, it is a ritual infused with spiritual significance.

Yogiraj’s testimony invites us to contemplate the divine energy that permeates the Ram Lalla idol, transcending the boundaries of artistic creation.

Ram Lalla Idol Altered Appearance

Yogiraj’s observation that “Ram Lalla looked completely different” after the Alanakaran ceremony raises intriguing questions about the nature of divine presence.

Did the deity manifest a different aspect of its divine nature during this sacred ceremony? Yogiraj’s reaction, stating, “I thought to myself that this was not my work,” reflects the humbling realization that the sculptor was a conduit for a divine transformation beyond human comprehension.

Artistic Journey of Arun Yogiraj

Beyond the spiritual aspects, Yogiraj’s journey as a sculptor is worth exploring. Crafting an idol of such religious significance involves not just skill but also a deep understanding of the cultural and religious context.

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The sculptor’s responsibility goes beyond creating a physical form, it extends to capturing the essence of the deity and conveying it to the worshippers.

Implications for Devotees

For the millions of devotees who will visit the Ram Mandir, Yogiraj’s account adds a layer of reverence to the Shri Ram Lalla idol.

The acknowledgment that Lord Ram underwent a transformation during the ornamentation ceremony invites worshippers to connect with the divine in a more profound and personal way.

It encourages them to see beyond the physical representation and perceive the spiritual journey embedded in the Shri Ram idol’s creation.


In the realm of religious artistry, Arun Yogiraj’s experience stands as a testament to the divine mysteries that unfold during the creation of sacred idols.

The transformation observed during the Alanakaran ceremony goes beyond artistic interpretation, delving into the realms of spirituality and the divine.

Also Read: Captivating Ram Lalla Idol Eyes and Arun Yogiraj The sculptor of Ram Lalla idol

As devotees flock to witness and worship the idol of Lord Ram, they carry with them the awareness of the sculptor’s revelation, that the divine presence can undergo a transformative journey, even within the confines of an intricately crafted Ram Lalla idol.

Yogiraj’s words echo the sentiment that, in the world of sacred art, every stroke of the sculptor’s chisel is a step in the unfolding dance of the divine.

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