Chaitra Navratri 2024 Day 10 – Navratri Parana

As the auspicious festival of Chaitra Navratri draws to a close, devotees eagerly anticipate the final day, Navratri Parana.

Chaitra Navratri 2024 Day 10 - Navratri Parana
Chaitra Navratri 2024 Day 10 – Navratri Parana

This tenth day holds profound significance as it marks the conclusion of the nine-day Navratri festival and symbolizes the culmination of divine blessings and spiritual rejuvenation.

In this enlightening blog post, we explore the rituals, customs, and spiritual significance of Navratri Parana, inviting devotees to embrace the divine grace that permeates this sacred occasion.

Understanding Navratri Parana

Navratri Parana, also known as Udwasan, signifies the completion of the Navratri fasting period. It is observed on the tenth day of Chaitra Navratri, following the worship of Goddess Durga and the nine divine forms of Shakti.

Also Read: Chaitra Navratri 2024 Day 9 – Shri Rama Navami

The word “Parana” refers to breaking the fast, marking the end of the rigorous fasting regimen undertaken by devotees during Navratri.

Navratri 2024 Day 10 Rituals and Observances

  1. Morning Puja: Devotees begin the day with a dedicated puja ceremony, offering prayers to Goddess Durga and seeking her blessings for spiritual fulfillment and divine grace. The puja may include the recitation of mantras, offering of flowers, incense, and sacred offerings, and the lighting of lamps to invoke the presence of the divine.
  2. Breaking the Fast: Navratri Parana involves breaking the fast that devotees have observed during the nine days of Navratri. This is typically done after performing the morning puja and seeking the blessings of the Goddess. Devotees partake of a simple meal, often consisting of fruits, sweets, and other traditional dishes, thus concluding their period of fasting.
  3. Visarjan (Immersion) Ceremony: Following the morning rituals and breaking of the fast, devotees perform the Visarjan ceremony, which involves bidding farewell to the divine presence of Goddess Durga. The sacred Kalash (pot) used during Navratri is immersed in a body of water, symbolizing the return of the divine energy to its source.
  4. Gratitude and Reflection: Navratri Parana is also a time for devotees to express gratitude for the divine blessings received during the festival and to reflect on the spiritual insights gained through fasting, prayer, and devotion. It is an opportunity to contemplate one’s spiritual journey and reaffirm one’s commitment to the path of righteousness and self-realization.

Spiritual Significance of Navratri Day 10

Navratri Parana holds profound spiritual significance for devotees, representing the culmination of their spiritual endeavors and the attainment of divine blessings and grace.

It symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and the triumph of devotion and righteousness.


As devotees observe Navratri Parana and conclude the nine-day festival of Chaitra Navratri, they are filled with a sense of spiritual fulfillment and gratitude.

Through fasting, prayer, and devotion, they have invoked the divine presence of Goddess Durga and sought her blessings for peace, prosperity, and spiritual upliftment.

As they bid farewell to the divine energy of Navratri, they carry with them the blessings and grace of the Goddess, guiding them on their continued journey towards self-realization and spiritual enlightenment.

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