Chaitra Navratri 2024 Day 5 – Naag Puja, Maa Skandamata Puja, Skanda Sashti

As Chaitra Navratri 2024 progresses, each day unfolds new dimensions of spiritual significance and divine blessings. Day 5 of this auspicious festival is marked by the worship of Naag, the reverence for Maa Skandamata, and the observance of Skanda Sashti.

Chaitra Navratri 2024 Day 5 - Naag Puja, Maa Skandamata Puja, Skanda Sashti
Chaitra Navratri 2024 Day 5 – Naag Puja, Maa Skandamata Puja, Skanda Sashti

In this enlightening blog post, we delve into the rituals, significance, and spiritual essence of these sacred observances.

Naag Puja

Day 5 of Chaitra Navratri is dedicated to the worship of Naag, the divine serpent deity, symbolizing fertility, protection, and cosmic energy. Devotees seek blessings for prosperity, harmony, and well-being by honoring Naag Puja.

Also Read: Chaitra Navratri 2024 Day 4 – Maa Kushmanda Puja, Vinayaka Chaturthi, Maa Lakshmi Panchami

Here’s a glimpse into the rituals associated with Naag Puja:

  1. Preparation: Prepare the puja area with utmost reverence and adorn it with flowers, incense, and sacred symbols. Place an image or idol of Naag as the focal point of devotion.
  2. Invocation: Begin the puja by invoking the presence of Naag, seeking blessings for protection, fertility, and prosperity in life.
  3. Offerings: Offer traditional items such as milk, fruits, and sacred water (jal) to the deity as symbols of devotion and reverence.
  4. Mantras and Prayers: Recite mantras dedicated to Naag, expressing gratitude for his divine grace and seeking blessings for protection, fertility, and prosperity.

Maa Skandamata Puja

Maa Skandamata, the fifth manifestation of Goddess Durga, is worshipped on the fifth day of Chaitra Navratri, symbolizing motherly love, protection, and divine grace. Devotees seek her blessings for strength, courage, and maternal bliss.

Here’s a glimpse into the rituals associated with Maa Skandamata Puja:

  1. Preparation: Prepare the puja area with utmost reverence and adorn it with flowers, incense, and sacred symbols. Place an image or idol of Maa Skandamata as the focal point of devotion.
  2. Invocation: Begin the puja by invoking the presence of Maa Skandamata, seeking her blessings for maternal love, protection, and divine grace.
  3. Offerings: Offer traditional items such as sweets, fruits, and sacred water (jal) to the deity as symbols of devotion and reverence.
  4. Mantras and Prayers: Recite mantras dedicated to Maa Skandamata, expressing gratitude for her divine grace and seeking blessings for strength, courage, and maternal bliss.

Skanda Sashti

Skanda Sashti, also known as Kanda Shashti, is observed on the sixth day of Chaitra Navratri, dedicated to Lord Kartikeya, the divine warrior son of Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati. Devotees seek his blessings for protection, victory, and spiritual progress.

Here’s a glimpse into the rituals associated with Skanda Sashti:

  1. Preparation: Prepare the puja area with utmost reverence and adorn it with flowers, incense, and sacred symbols. Place an image or idol of Lord Kartikeya as the focal point of devotion.
  2. Invocation: Begin the puja by invoking the presence of Lord Kartikeya, seeking his blessings for protection, victory, and spiritual progress.
  3. Offerings: Offer traditional items such as milk, fruits, and sacred water (jal) to the deity as symbols of devotion and reverence.
  4. Mantras and Prayers: Recite mantras dedicated to Lord Kartikeya, expressing gratitude for his divine grace and seeking blessings for protection, victory, and spiritual progress.


As Chaitra Navratri 2024 unfolds, Day 5 brings forth the divine grace of Naag, the motherly love of Maa Skandamata, and the protection of Lord Kartikeya. Through these sacred observances, devotees seek blessings for prosperity, maternal bliss, and spiritual progress.

May the divine grace of the deities illuminate our hearts and minds, guiding us towards fulfillment and abundance during this auspicious festival of Navratri.

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