Pregnant Women Inscribe Lord Ram Name in 21 Languages for Ram Mandir

Pregnant Women Inscribe Lord Ram Name in 21 Languages for Ayodhya Ram Mandir Pran Pratishta. A heartwarming contribution by 42 pregnant women in Surat, Gujarat, to the ‘Pran Pratishta’ ceremony of Lord Ram Lalla Idol in Ayodhya.

Pregnant Women Inscribe Lord Ram Name in 21 Languages for Ayodhya Pran Pratishta
Pregnant Women Inscribe Lord Ram Name in 21 Languages for Ayodhya Pran Pratishta

The women inscribed the mantra ‘Jai Shri Ram’ 21 times in 21 different national and international languages, symbolizing spiritual connectivity.

Pregnant Women Inscribe Lord Ram Name

Garbh Sanskar counsellor Ameesha Ben, who guided the initiative, explained the significance of writing ‘Ram’ 21 times. The number nine is considered extremely auspicious, and the initiative aims to turn the child’s spiritual and emotional focus towards God through the language of devotion and vibrations.

The name ‘Ram’ was written 21 times in various languages, totaling 441 (21 x 21).

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Vishwa Ben, one of the participants, creatively wrote Lord Ram mantra in 21 different languages with the intention of instilling Lord Shri Ram like qualities and expressing joy in their children. She mentioned feeling positive energy during the process.

This unique contribution reflects diverse expressions of devotion across the country during the celebration of Ram Lalla prana pratishtha in Ayodhya. People are showcasing their reverence for Lord Ram through various means such as tattoos, flags, caps, and free tea offerings.

Preparations for the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha

The preparations for the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha on 22 January 2024 are in full swing, drawing dignitaries and people from all walks of life.

The Sri Ram Janmabhoomi Tirath Kshetra Trust has planned to enthrone Ram Lalla idol at the sanctum-sanctorum of the Shri Ram Mandir on 22 January 2024.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to attend the Pran Pratishta ceremony of Shri Ram Lalla, which has garnered significant attention, with VVIP guests from India and abroad receiving invitations.

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The main rituals of the consecration ceremony of Ram Lalla Idol will be performed by a priest from Varanasi, Lakshmi Kant Dixit, on 22 January 2024. The Vedic rituals for the Pran-Pratishtha ceremony will begin on 16 January 2024, a week before the main ceremony of Ram Lalla Prana Pratishtha.

Ayodhya will mark the Amrit Mahotsav from 14 January to 22 January, with a 1008 Hundi Mahayagya and arrangements for feeding thousands of devotees.

Several tent cities are being constructed in Ayodhya to accommodate the expected inflow of devotees. The Sri Ram Janambhoomi Trust plans to accommodate 10,000 to 15,000 people for the grand consecration ceremony of Ram Lalla.


The pregnant women in Surat’s contribution to the ‘Pran Pratishta’ ceremony involves inscribing Lord Ram name in 21 languages.

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This act symbolizes spiritual connectivity and is part of the larger preparations for the Ram Mandir ‘Pran Pratishtha’ on 22 January 2024, with various rituals and festivities planned in Ayodhya.

The initiative by these women reflects the diverse ways individuals across the country express their devotion during these auspicious occasions of much awaited Shri Ram prana pratishtha in Ayodhya.

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