Ram in Everyone’s Heart and Ram Rajya Influence on Constitution Framers

In a recent address, Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted that “Ram is in everyone’s heart, and Ram Rajya inspired even the framers of India’s Constitution.

This statement has sparked discussions across the nation, with people curious about the connection between the revered figure of Lord Ram and the foundational document of our country India.

Ram in Everyone's Heart and Ram Rajya Influence on Constitution Framers
Ram in Everyone’s Heart and Ram Rajya Influence on Constitution Framers

Let’s break down PM Modi’s words and explore the significance of Lord Ram in everyone’s heart, as well as the influence of Ram Rajya on the framers of the Indian Constitution.

Ram in Everyone’s Heart

PM Modi’s statement reflects the cultural and spiritual importance of Lord Ram in India.

Lord Ram, a central figure in the Hindu epic Ramayana, is considered a symbol of righteousness, virtue, and moral values. For millions of Indians, Lord Ram is not just a historical character but a revered deity whose teachings resonate deeply.

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The phrase “Ram is in everyone’s heart” emphasizes the universal appeal of Lord Ram’s teachings. It suggests that the values and principles associated with Lord Ram are not confined to any particular community or religion but are embraced by people from diverse backgrounds.

In essence, it signifies a shared cultural and moral heritage that transcends religious boundaries.

Ram Rajya Influence on Constitution Framers

The mention of “Ram Rajya” in the context of inspiring the framers of the Indian Constitution raises interesting questions about the interplay between religious and constitutional ideals.

Ram Rajya” refers to the ideal rule of Lord Ram, characterized by justice, fairness, and the welfare of all.

The framers of the Indian Constitution, while drawing inspiration from various sources, aimed to establish a just and equitable society.

The idea here is not to impose a religious doctrine on the governance structure but to draw inspiration from the ethical and moral principles associated with Ram Rajya.

The framers of constitution of India, led by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, sought to create a Constitution that would safeguard the rights and dignity of every citizen, irrespective of their religious or social background.

While the Constitution is a secular document, the inclusion of principles aligned with the spirit of Ram Rajya might be seen as an acknowledgment of the timeless values it embodies.

Cultural and Spiritual ethos of India Symbolized by Lord Ram

PM Modi’s assertion suggests a connection between the cultural and spiritual ethos of the country, symbolized by Lord Ram, and the foundational principles embedded in the Constitution.

It’s crucial to approach this connection with an understanding that India is a diverse nation with a rich tapestry of beliefs and traditions.

The concept of “Ram in everyone’s heart” is a call for unity and shared values, emphasizing the inclusive nature of the ideals associated with Lord Ram.

It encourages citizens to uphold moral and ethical principles that transcend religious differences.

On the other hand, the reference to Ram Rajya influencing the Constitution framers underscores the complexity of India’s socio cultural landscape.

The framers, while envisioning a modern and progressive India, drew inspiration from various cultural, historical, and philosophical sources, including the moral ideals associated with Ram Rajya.


PM Modi’s statement serves as a reminder of the intricate tapestry of India’s cultural and spiritual heritage. It prompts us to appreciate the diversity of beliefs while recognizing the shared values that bind us together.

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While the influence of Ram Rajya on the Constitution may be a matter of interpretation, what remains clear is the importance of upholding justice, fairness, and the well being of all citizens, principles that echo the spirit of Lord Ram’s teachings.

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