Which drink is popular during Holi?

Holi, the vibrant and joyous festival of colors celebrated across India, is synonymous with exuberance, camaraderie, and a riot of hues. Amidst the revelry and playful splashes of color, there’s a traditional drink that takes center stage – Thandai.

This refreshing and healthful beverage not only quenches thirst but also adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the festivities. Let’s delve into the rich tradition of Thandai, exploring its origins, ingredients, and the unique role it plays during the Holi celebrations.

Which drink is popular during Holi?

Which drink is popular during Holi?
Which drink is popular during Holi?

Thandai, deeply embedded in the fabric of Holi tradition, emerges as a cooling elixir that becomes especially cherished during the festival’s fervor. As the revelers indulge in the spirited exchange of colored powders and water, Thandai serves as a rejuvenating pause. The tradition of enjoying this drink is particularly prevalent in North India, with Banaras, now Varanasi, being hailed as the hub of Thandai.

Ingredients and Making of Thandai

Crafting the perfect Thandai requires a meticulous blend of ingredients, each contributing to its unique flavor profile.

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Purified water forms the base, and a medley of ingredients such as sugar, watermelon and muskmelon seeds, almonds, lotus stem seeds, cashew nuts, cardamom, saunf, rose-flower, white pepper, saffron, and the distinctive bhang, come together to create this enticing beverage.


The after-effects of Thandai are significantly influenced by the inclusion of bhang, an intoxicating element derived from the cannabis plant. Mixed with milk, ice, and cream, bhang transforms Thandai into a mood-enhancing elixir. While some revelers find themselves deliriously happy, others may experience a more subdued or even melancholic mood. Caution is advised when consuming bhang-infused Thandai, as an overdose can lead to undesirable consequences.

Hub of Thandai – Banaras

The cultural epicenter of Banaras is hailed as the ultimate hub for Thandai. Renowned for their passion for milk-based drinks, Banarasis have perfected the art of crafting Thandai, making it a specialty of the region.

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The local expertise and love for this refreshing beverage contribute to Banaras’s reputation as a must-visit destination for Thandai enthusiasts during Holi.

Thandai Recipes and Commercial Availability

While homemade Thandai always carries a unique charm, the modern era has introduced commercial concentrates, offering a convenient way to prepare instant Thandai. In Banaras and various parts of India, enthusiasts can now explore and purchase these commercial concentrates, ensuring a quick and hassle-free Thandai experience. The page even provides two distinct Thandai recipes for those inclined to try their hand at crafting this traditional drink.

Significance of Thandai in Holi Celebrations

The timing of Holi, often marked by high temperatures in North India, aligns perfectly with Thandai’s cooling properties. The drink acts as a natural coolant, providing relief to participants engaged in lively celebrations under the sun.

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Thandai becomes more than just a beverage, it becomes a part of the holistic Holi experience, setting the mood for joyous revelry and enhancing the overall celebration.


In the kaleidoscope of Holi festivities, Thandai emerges as more than just a beverage, it’s a cultural symbol, a tradition, and an integral part of the celebration’s essence. Its origins in Banaras, the careful selection of ingredients, and the infusion of bhang all contribute to the unique allure of Thandai during Holi.

As the festival of Holi approaches on March 25, 2024, embracing the tradition of Thandai adds an extra layer of authenticity and joy to the celebration of colors, making Holi a truly immersive and unforgettable experience.

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